Sunday, January 25, 2015

Suspicious little Circadians, what are you seeking...

"YULAI – The Directive Enforcement Department has recently completed initial investigations into the Sleeper drones designated as "Circadian Seekers" and concluded that they are in the process of adapting to perceived threats. We believe this process is well advanced and are issuing an emergency advisory under the provisions of the Yulai Convention.
We especially urge capsuleers not to become alarmed by changes in the behavior of these drones. We recommend that all pilots exercise caution when approaching Circadian Seekers and are sufficiently prepared for retaliation.
Please report any unusual activity to the lawful authorities or your local DED liaison office."

In my wanderings today I came across something a little curious

What's this?

 A bunch of suspicious sleeper drones were scanning the gate.

Very suspicious indeed

 But that is not all they're scanning apparently.  They appear to be scanning capsuleer ships as well.

Ack i've been scanned! At least they were gentler than the times I was scanned on my way to jita.

What hides behind this failing cloak?

I seeeeee you.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Exploration exploration and more exploration

It's been awhile since i've touched this blog.  I am happy to all the people still getting use out of it for all these years.  I never left Eve, but I did join a corp that was more in to SOV warfare than exploration.  So I wasn't able to explore as much or at all.  Bleh.

But with all the major changes to the games exploration.  Now is a perfect time to get back into flying around in those unknown parts of space.

Look forward to more posts, covering new sites and old sites alike.

Fly safe 07

Sunday, January 22, 2012

True Sansha Fleet Staging Point Part 1

Found this fun little site last night and took a group out to complete it.  Wasn't to sure what to expect not to much data was out in the web for it, so figured best overkill than risk losing a ship.  That and the systems had been pretty hot so best to take a group.
Also I fail
Forgot to take good Screenshots of the site, but I did take notes :p

True Sansha Fleet Staging Point

Part 1

You're looking at a 2 room site

Initial room contained 2 spawns
First spawn consisted of  3 frigates, 3 cruisers and 4 BS.  BS spawns averaged about 1.1mil a piece in bounty
Upon completion of that spawn you'll get the second wave
3 Frigates, 3 cruisers and 6 BS, again bounties average about the same in the first spawn.  No Ewar from the NPC's were reported.

Warp on top of gate when you enter the first room so no need for traveling.
Second room consisted of 3 spawns
 Each trigger at the completion of the last spawn
Initial spawn consists of 2 frigates, 2, crusiers, 4 BS,  4 Cruise Missile Batteries; 2 Neutralizer Batteries; and 2 Point Defence Batteries 
2nd spawn consisting of 2 Frigates, 2 Cruisers, and 4 BS
Last spawn consisting of 2 Frigates, 2 Cruisers, and 3 BS,

Got expedition for next stage after blowing up the last ship.  Will try and get my small group together again to complete it, and get screen shots as well :p

All in all pretty straight forward and simple

Friday, January 20, 2012

Highest Pay-out site

For the love of it all, I can't remember the sites name which is killing me.  I've only seen the site once in my in wanderings.  It was in -0.2 close to home, I believe it was a sort of sansha graveyard.  Could of sworn it had ghost in the name ._.

Anyway just keeping track of the payout incase I run into it again.  Produced among a few other things 54 intact armor plates, sold at the time for 30mil a pop.  Site had few rats finished in roughly 30 minutes to open and clear everything.  Was a nice night I must say

-waves to internet world-

Welcome to my blog, it's honestly just a place to keep track of my exploration.  To help me deal with sites faster, follow what pays out higher and best locations in my area and such and such.  But i'll try to make it entertaining (I imagine at most i'll be talking to myself  alot o.o)

-waves back-

Essentially what I do is, I wander lawless space in search of juicy sites to scan down, striving to go deeper and deeper into more and more dangerous space.  I also enjoy the less indulged sides of exploration, I.E searching for those irresponsible corps that have left their POS offline in low/null space ;)